Colocation Hosting

What Is Colocation Hosting? Is It Right For Your Business?

Currently, colocation server hosting is a quite popular solution for businesses interested in renting space in data centers. You can place your own IT hardware in the third-party provider’s storage, and get great security, disaster recovery, and compliance. Apply to the colocation hosting whether you want to store your data in a safe IT environment with great expert support and availability. But first, let’s discover what is colocation hosting, and whether it will suit your needs.

Colocated hosting at the glance

Colocation hosting is determined as a type of service in data centers that provides renting space and housing for servers. These servers are mostly owned by the clients who place their software and hardware in the storage. Besides, a colocation hosting provider is responsible for the guaranteed secured IT environment. Unlike the cloud services, the colocation hosting covers the client’s hardware and lends the space while customers of cloud services have to rent the hardware to the vendors.

What options does the colocation hosting incorporate?

  1. Storage

The data centers usually offer physical space for clients’ servers. Customers can choose any of the storage options – suites, cages, or stand-alone cabinets. Suites go to securely enclosed rooms in the data center, while the cages provide separated areas for servers` storage. In addition, each of the stand-alone cabinets can store a few servers in the stands.

  1. Compliance

Businesses, such as healthcare organizations, typically deal with sensitive and private information that requires appropriate infrastructure and configuration. The data centers often offer compliant servers that have to adhere to specific compliance rules, however, managing such an environment can be quite challenging.

  1. Disaster recovery

The colocation server provider should ensure clients with a business continuity plan that provides disaster recovery too. This means your data will be fully secured and restored in the case the disaster occurs since the backups will be created.

  1. Security

Using the services of colocation providers, you will get secured access to the physical location where your data is stored. The vendors should ensure clients the best security measures, while the customers will be responsible for protecting their servers from cyber-attacks.

  1. Power

The colocation data centers are responsible for the electricity that servers require for the highest uptime. Additionally, they have to offer energy backups in case a power outage will occur. The power supply option is an essential part of colocation server hosting.

Benefits of colocated server hosting

  1. Availability 24\7 – the data is always available for the clients, providing continuity.
  2. Professional support – the full-time expert support related to colocation hosting is guaranteed for every customer.
  3. Scalability – colocation hosting allows clients to scale the flexible resources and successfully grow in their affairs.
  4. Cost-effective offers – you will get high-quality infrastructure without spending a lot of money on using the equipment.